
David Grosse

David is the founder of Number Eight Business Finance. 

With over 35 years experience in this marketplace, he is highly regarded in his field. He has vast experience as a lender, business owner and business finance advisor. He is therefore well placed, and has the required empathy, to work with all parties involved in the raising of finance. 

David has a high success rate in securing finance for businesses. He is driven by a passion to help ensure that every business owner is aware of the best-fit business finance options that are available to them.

David joined Saracens rugby club at the age of 9 and retired at the grand old age of 44. His passion for the game has lead to a coaching career.
Random Fact: David was once part of a marginally successful 80’s band. As the keyboard player and extrovert, he could be found on many a stage donned in leg warmers and wearing eye liner! 